3 Tips for Going Live on Instagram

Chris Degenaars
2 min readJan 16, 2017

Over 60% of Instagram users login daily (second highest, behind Facebook), there are also over 400 million active users.

Instagram has quickly risen to be one of the most used networks amongst users, and businesses are beginning to ramp up focus around utilizing it in their strategies.

The question is, how can you?

Many agree, video is going to be a top trend in 2017. More specifically, live video, which gives you the ability to create an authentic and genuine relationship with your followers.


Here are the top 3 ways you can breakout from the crowd and create that relationship customers want.

1. Behind the Scenes

This is one of the best and easiest ways to create an authentic relationship with your customers.

Offering the ability for customers to see what goes on in the day-to-day business allows the customer to see more of what goes into the brand. Especially if you create products specifically for individuals, sharing the process of their product allows them to feel more connected to the brand.

Takeaway: This shouldn’t be staged nor should it be perfect. You should be letting the viewer experience what really goes on, so if you have a mishap, roll with it!

2. Employee Takeovers

Allowing individual employees to utilize Instagram Stories in combination with Live will help customers feel a connection deeper than the products they purchase from you.

Let employees walk people through their day and what they do. Whether it is 100% live video and offering Q&A about what that persons position is, or mostly uploading to Instagram Stories as the day goes on. It allows customers to know the people working behind the brand.

Takeaway: Have fun with this! It can be a great way for employees to get more involved with the business.

3. Early Product Releases

Doing this could be done on Live or just story uploads, either way it is a great way to make your followers on Instagram feel a little bit more loved and a great way to say “thank you” for their support!

You can also use this time of product marketing to drive people from your Facebook or other networks to come follow your Instagram account. If you are able to market it correctly, you could see a great increase in followers on your Instagram account. You’re offering something special to certain people and it will make them feel special.

Takeaway: If you are a perfectionist, this would be your cup of tea. Although it does not need to be perfect, it is well worth spending some time to prep an area to let the live release or story uploads look nice and professional.

Instagram is potentially the best place B2C businesses could be spending time. There is an unlimited amount of ways you can offer your followers the authentic and genuine feel that will lead to more sales down the line.

Originally published at longdriveagency.com.

